Sunday, November 9, 2014

Hats of the Technology Integration Specialist

Technology integration is using whatever tools you have to the best of your abilities. If you can do lessons better using technology this is why you integrate technology.  We use technology to make learning fun. Students are using technology in all aspects of their life. We need to teach students where they are. When you create something there is a level of ownership there. Students have the ability to create things and publish their work to share with the entire world when using technology. The role of the teacher has shifted from teacher-centered, where the teacher would lead every discussion and teach in front of a group of students. To now, the teacher is taking the role of a facilitator, providing students with the tools for them to create their own path of learning. I think that this one of the most important roles of a technology integrator, a facilitator. Facilitating staff, coworkers and students in using any number of technology tools to assist with instruction and enhance the learning process.  (Fink, 2012).

When using technology, there needs to be a connection between technology in education and the pedagogy in the classroom. It is important that teachers use technology to enhance the pedagogical decision-making process.  Some connections that can be made between technology and the pedagogy in the classroom can be:
·         Adapt technology to match objectives in the classroom
·         Present instruction using technology
·         Students can create projects and other follow-up activities using technology.
·         Create an engaging environment using multiple technology sources.
(Okojie et al, n.d.)

Challenges with technology integration are teachers need to understand that technology integration is just that. It should be integrated into your facilitated lesson and not singled out as an isolated activity. Many teachers have the wrong idea when it comes to technology. They believe that technology is just merely a tool and they do not consider it something that can be used to facilitate or enhance instruction. “An educator who does not understand the purpose of technology integration or how it could be applied is less likely to achieve success in a technology-based learning environment.” (Okojie et al, n.d.). Other challenges when it comes to technology integration are lack of computers in the schools, lack of training for the facilitators (teachers), and intimidation.

Fink, Zachary. (Screen Name). (2012). An introduction to technology integration. [Video File]. Retrieved From

Okojie, M., Olinzock., A., A., Okojie-Boulder., T., C. (n.d.). The Pedagogy of Technology
                        Integration. The Journal of Technology Studies.